
The most important updates as of May 2021

Highlights of the next update

🔨 Look forward to great new features and various bug fixes.

Technically savvy users can track all changes since the last release for the backend and frontend on Github.

Highlights of the update 8 August 2024


With event standards, event creators will never forget the important information for an event again. Once configured, the template can be used as a mental aid for any event of this type.


Lists - with or without numbering - or very small additional information now help to structure the event descriptions.

Update 08.08.2024

Highlights of the update 18 July 2024


It is no longer necessary to delete the entire channel in order to archive an event.


Be the first to try out the new homepage and help design it!

Update 18.07.2024

Highlights of the update 8 June 2024


See exactly what you end up with. Gone are the days of asterisks and underlines with the introduction of a WYSIWYG editor. Just use the buttons or familiar keyboard shortcuts and see what happens.


When was the last participation... is now displayed directly in the profile.

Update 08.06.2024

Highlights of the update 12 March 2024


Not only the support of larger fonts, spacing and the mobile view have been optimised. Extra attention has also been paid to colour contrasts and fast loading times.

Creating and editing events has become even easier and more customised! The event creator is automatically filled in when an event is created, a new event type can also be created and selected after the event has been created and special characters for formatting can be escaped. This means that only what is really important is highlighted.

Update 12.03.2024

Highlights of the update 9 January 2023


Der Discord Bot benötigt keine Administratorrechte mehr, um korrekt zu funktionieren. Das sorgt für mehr Sicherheit für alle.

Update 09.01.2024

Highlights of the update 29 December 2023


Not only much easier to use on mobile devices, but also more beautiful on all devices. This completely eliminates the possibility of skipping events!


Finally, you can add headings to large paragraphs in the event descriptions.

Update 29.12.2023

Highlights of the update 13 October 2023


Community permissions can now be controlled from the website. No more mandatory Discord roles.


The new image upload means no more searching for links. Just upload the image in the event.

Update 13.10.2023

Highlights of the update 10 September 2023

No more text commands. All commands used to quickly manage events in Discord are now slash commands.


Swapping slots has never been easier.

Update 10.09.2023

Highlights of the update 28 July 2023


The even easier archiving also gives a quick overview of past events in Discord.


The API now also returns multiple events in a period of time.

Update 28.07.2023

Highlights of the update 13 June 2023


Not only does the interface always show what it is doing, it also reloads fewer things and is buttery smooth to navigate.


Using the redesigned API endpoints, events can be integrated exactly as they are needed.

Update 13.06.2023

Highlights of the update 8 May 2023


Slotting now also directly via the website. Log in at the top right and reserve your seat directly.

Update 08.05.2023

Highlights of the update 31 March 2023


So late already? Events are now displayed in the local time zone.


Event editing in simple: event details, squads and slots can be sorted and duplicated.

Update 31.03.2023

Highlights of the update 16 February 2023


Let's go global! No German, no problem. Provided you can read and understand English texts.


Communities can not only be viewed, but also managed directly. Get the most out of reservations.

Update 16.02.2023

Highlights of the update 30 November 2022

For the right Christmas mood, the entire page is turned upside down. All details and pictures:

Update 30.11.2022

Highlights of the update 6 February 2022


Happy New Year! Everything is ready for the start of the new year. Among other things, leaner slot lists and new modsets.


The new reservations of entire squads or individual slots make it easier to play together.

Update 06.02.2022

Highlights of the update 23 November 2021


iCal support. Integration of the event calendar of your own group or all events for which you have slotted into your own calendar.

Update 23.11.2021

Highlights of the update 14 November 2021

More slash commands. More for mission creators.


Unfortunately, Discord's slash commands are not really fully developed. Therefore, texts that were not sent as slash commands but begin with a "/" are nevertheless processed by the bot and attempted to be interpreted.

Update 14.11.2021

Highlights of the update 18 October 2021


More Slotbot for everyone! The system is now ready to welcome more communities and provide a common simple standard.

Update 18.10.2021

Highlights of the update 9 September 2021


Never miss an event again! Configure notifications in the new profile and be reminded before the start of the next event.

Update 09.09.2021

Highlights of the update 3 August 2021

Slash commands are simple, great and top-notch. That's why there are now many more supported commands!


No more notifications for slot changes within the reserve. The bot only sends notifications when I really get going.

Update 03.08.2021

Highlights of the update 28 July 2021

The slash commands are here! Discord now actively supports the use of the commands. Write a slash in the chat and let us explain the rest. All available slash commands are highlighted in the command overview.

Update 28.07.2021

Highlights of the update 13 July 2021


Larger events. A slot list twice as large is made possible. Finally, Teshaz missions fit into the Discord!


Event times are now displayed in Discord in your set time zone. No more time calculation necessary.

Update 13.07.2021

Highlights of the update 12 June 2021


Faster event creation. Events can be duplicated to create similar or consecutive missions with just a few clicks. During event creation, the in-game slot description can be uploaded to generate the slot list.


Slots can be blocked directly from the web interface. No more spamming in the event thread after the creation of the event.


Even though it is not yet used in countries with the GDPR, Google's new misdeed FLoC has been deactivated. Nobody is still being tracked on our pages. If you want to read more about FLoC and why it's a bad idea, you can read about it here, for example.

Update 12.06.2021

Highlights of the update 17 May 2021


Now clicking on the calendar also brings something. The date clicked on is automatically transferred to the event wizard.


Support for the Global Mobilisation and Vietnam DLCs. Shorter modpack links always look better.

Update 17.05.2021

Highlights of the update 14 May 2021


Events are now less Arma-dependent. This allows us to present events more clearly in general and to package information from external events without long messages!


More colours! Finally, the uniform blue on the website and the motley mix in Discord is history. Now the colours have meaning and highlight event types.


Random Slot. You don't know which slot to choose again? Just let the bot do it, it will pick one for you.

Update 14.05.2021


All changelogs until 06.2023 are machine translated.






Last updated