
Event participants will receive all information via Discord.

Get started

No setup required. Once the bot has joined the server, we are ready to go.

Feature overview

The Discord integration allows the events to be displayed in channels. Participants can register without leaving Discord and receive notifications before the event starts. An overview of all past events is also available.

The most important commands at a glance

For participants


/slot slot_number

Enrols you for an empty slot in the event.


Removes you from the event.

/swap @User

Sends the person a request to swap places.

For participant management


/blockSlot slot_number

Block a slot so that no one can register on it.

/forceSlot slot_number @User

Enrols a person in a slot.

/forceUnslot slot_number

Empties the slot with the given number.

Last updated